5 Element on Bazi

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1. Day master of WOOD elements for a MAN can be mean of:

The meaning Wood are self, rival, friends or enemy.

The meaning Water are his mother, resources.

The meaning Earth are a wife, father, wealth, money.

The meaning of Metal are children, power, status, pressure, authority.

The meaning of Fire are output, intelligence, creation.

Day master of Wood element for a woman mean:

The meaning Wood are self, rival, friends or enemy.

The meaning Water are his mother, resources.

The meaning Earth are a father, wealth, money.

The meaning of Metal are husband, power, status, pressure, authority.

The meaning of Fire are children, output, intelligent, creation.



2. Day master Fire have mean of:

The meaning of Fire element are  self, rival, friends or enemy.

The meaning of Wood element are mother, resources.

The meaing of Metal element are father, wealth, money.

The meaning of Water (a man) are children, power or status, pressure, authority

The meaning Earth (a woman) are Children, aspiration, intelligence, creation.

The meaning Water (a woman) are her husband, output, creation.



3. Day Master Earth have mean of:

Earth element are self, friends, enemy, rival.

Fire element are mother, resources

Water element (a woman) are father, wealth, money.

Water element (a Man) are a wife, wealth, Money.

Metal element (a woman) are children, aspiration,  intelligence.

Wood element (a woman) are husband,

Wood element (a Man) are children, power / status/ pressure



4. For people who have Day master a METAL self-element:

Meaning of METAL element is self, rival, friend, or enemy

The meaning of the earth element is its mother, the source of the source

Meaning of WOOD element (woman) is father, prosperity, money

The meaning of fire element (male) is CHILD, power / status / pressure.

Meaning of water element (woman) is child, aspiration or intelligence.

Meaning of WOOD element (Male) is WIFE

The meaning of fire element (Woman) is HUSBAND.


5. For people who have Day Master Water self elements:

The meaning of the Water element is self, rival, friend, or enemy

The meaning of the METAL element is its mother, the source of the source

The meaning of Fire element (woman) is father, prosperity, money

The meaning of Fire element (male) is WIFE

Meaning of Earth element (Male) is child, Power, status, pressure

Meaning of WOOD element (woman) is child, aspiration or intelligence.


Bazi siklus

Basic Bazi Analysis

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Bazi is also called the pillar of fate / fortune

It is important to know the 8 characters of your birth data.
Every element of the HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS, and YEARS of your birth has a combination consisting of the Trunk of the heavens and the branches of sound, so that it gets 4 x 2 = 8 letters / Characters that store much of the information you want to reveal in relation to your life.
These 8 characters are also known as the 4 pillars of fortune or pillar of fate.
Pillar of fate because there are 4 columns that form a list of elements / elements that can be translated meaning and interpreted in relation to human life.
This bazi science is based on the book of change or I – CHING.
There are 5 elements or elements in BaZi namely:
1. Water
2. Fire
3. Wood
4. Metal
5. Earth.

Factors determining luck:
1. Ming = fate, determined from birth can not be changed but can be known. The problem of life is a mystery. The moment we are born is the POWER OF GOD. The mystery of life is a pattern that has been studied and formulated for thousands of years.

2. Yun = Luck, which fluctuates with time but can be predicted. Human life, individual luck in bazi is determined by the interaction of elements that run according to Dimension of time.

3. Feng Shui = Environment, which can be manipulated to reach the higher levels that are allowed in our fate and fortune. Steps of improvement by organizing the environment according to certain principles to improve the quality of human life and its luck by avoiding its misfortune.

4. Dao De = nature and virtue, which brings us in good karma. Attitudes and the nature and actions of an individual to his fellow participate determine the fortunes concerned.

5. Du Shu = business and education. Even with good fortune, if we sit still and wait at home we will miss out on the chance of getting good fortune. Experience in life through formal and non formal education in the family and society.



Bazi disebut juga dengan pilar nasib / keberuntungan

Sangat penting mengetahui 8 karakter dari data lahir anda.
Setiap unsur JAM, HARI, BULAN, dan TAHUN dari kelahiran anda itu mempunyai kombinasi yang terdiri dari Batang langit dan cabang bunyi, sehingga didapatkan 4 x 2 = 8 huruf / Karakter yang menyimpan banyak informasi yang ingin diungkapkan dalam kaitannya dengan kehidupan anda.
8 karakter ini dikenal juga sebagai 4 pilar keberuntungan atau pilar nasib.
Pilar nasib karena ada 4 kolom yang membentuk suatu daftar unsur / elemen yang dapat diterjemahkan arti serta diinterprestasikan dalam kaitannya dengan kehidupan manusia.
Ilmu bazi ini didasarkan pada kitab perubahan atau I – CHING.
Ada 5 elemen atau unsur dalam BaZi yaitu:
1. Air
2. Api
3. Kayu
4. Logam
5. Tanah.

Faktor faktor penentu keberuntungan :
1. Ming = nasib, ditentukan sejak lahir tidak dapat diubah tetapi dapat diketahui. Masalah hidup merupakan misteri. Saat saat kita dilahirkan adalah KUASA dari TUHAN. Misteri hidup ini diperoleh suatu pola yang telah ribuan tahun di pelajari dan dirumuskan.

2. Yun = Keberuntungan , yang berfluktuasi dengan waktu tetapi dapat di prediksi. Kehidupan manusia , keberuntungan individu yang ada dalam bazi ditentukan dengan interaksi elemen yang berjalan menurut Dimensi waktu.

3. Feng Shui = Lingkungan , yang dapat dimanipulasi untuk mencapai tingkat yang lebih tinggi yang diperbolehkan dalam nasib dan peruntungan kita. Langkah langkah perbaikan dengan cara menata lingkungan hidup menurut prinsip-prinsip tertentu untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan manusia dan keberuntungannya dengan menghindarkan dari kemalangannya.

4. Dao De = sifat dan kebajikan, yang membawa kita dalam karma baik. Sikap dan sifat serta perbuatan seorang individu terhadap sesamanya ikut menentukan peruntungan yang bersangkutan.

5. Du Shu = usaha dan pendidikan. Bahkan dengan peruntungan yang baik, jika kita duduk diam dan menunggu dirumah kita akan kehilangan kesempatan mendapatkan peruntungan baik. Pengalaman dalam hidup melalui pendidikan formal maupun non formal dalam keluarga maupun masyarakat.

Online Consultation Services with BaZi Method

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You want to know when your fortune comes?

You want to know sickness when to come to you?

You want to know if in life will have problems with the law?

You want to know if your spouse can bring good luck in your life?

Will your children be harmonious and successful in your life?

You want to know when you should make a good business deal and not cause any problems in your future?

You want to know your fortune next year?

How do you exploit the potential elements of your birth for the success of your life?

Is there a god helper in your life?

If of the many questions above your answer is “Yes” then you are including people who are lucky to visit my website.

Because on this website I want to offer online consulting services using the BaZi method that has been trusted since 5000 years before masei in China as the most accurate method of forecasting on earth.

If you are interested then you can register by sending data data that is:

1. Full name.

2. Place of birth.

3. Date of birth (hour, day, month, year of your birth).

4. Questions raised for consultation.

5. Whatsapp number.

6. Email address,

Klik here for Order

Bazi online consulting:




Anda ingin tahu kapan rejeki anda datang?

Anda ingin tahu sakit penyakit kapan mendatangi anda?

Anda ingin tahu apakah dalam hidup akan mengalami masalah dengan hukum?

Anda ingin tahu apakah pasangan hidup anda dapat membawa keberuntungan dalam hidup anda?

Apakah anak anak anda akan harmonis dan sukses hidupnya dengan anda?

Anda ingin tahu kapan anda harus membuat deal bisnis yang baik dan tidak menimbulkan masalah di masa depan anda?

Anda ingin tahu peruntungan anda di Tahun depan?

Bagaimana anda memanfaatkan potensi unsur unsur kelahiran anda untuk kesuksesan hidup anda?

Adakah dewa penolong dalam kehidupan anda?

Jika dari sekian banyak pertanyaan diatas tersebut jawaban anda adalah “Iya” maka anda termasuk orang yang beruntung dapat mengunjungi website saya ini.

Karena di website ini saya ingin menawarkan jasa konsultasi online menggunakan metoda BaZi yang sudah terpercaya sejak 5000 tahun sebelum masei di China sebagai metoda ramalan paling akurat di muka bumi ini.

Jika anda tertarik maka anda dapat registrasi dengan mengirimkan data data yaitu:

1. Nama lengkap

2. Tempat lahir

3. Tanggal lahir ( jam, hari, bulan, tahun kelahiran anda )

4.  Pertanyaan yang diajukan untuk konsultasi

5. Nomor whatsapp

6. Alamat email

Untuk konsultasi Bazi online klik Disini

Salam Sukses,


BaZi practitioner

Categories: BaZi
